At last I made for you some Cybetronik forces. This side has strong defense and normal dices, and normal speed but they
have long range dices so they can be in save and fire from a distance on their targets. This forces have two basic trategies.
First : they just go on the firing range distance and try to kill enemy from long distance with green dices, or try to go to the
middle of a battlefiled to some Victory zones and try to push back enemy forces with blue dices. THey have storng defense
so they are able to survive very long time. They are focused on debuffing enemy.
There are 4 gold units, 5 silver units and 4 bronze units.
Armor - 6
Accuracy - 3
Dodge - 0
Flying - 0
Speed - 0
Armor piercing - 1
Infilration -
Melee - 0
Green 19
Blue 9
Yellow: 1
Red: 4
- new command card icon = UPGRADE command cards.
Examples of Cybertronik forces -
I changed some reference cards to make cybertronik more balanced.
Another changes in forces of CYBERTRONIK side to more balance system :
back side of reference card:
Paper figure :
UPGRADE command cards :
Cybertronik command cards :